Sam Ades
Trainer and Coach

A speech is presented to inform, inspire, persuade or educate.
How would you like your audience to be on the edge of their seats and when they leave, take action as a result of your speech.
Whether you need one on one training or your team leader would prefer a group workshop, this program, stagecraft is designed to:
Arm you with strategies to bring your presentation to life
Help you use the stage more effectively
Help you with the power of sharing your stories
How to verbalise more effectively
When and where to move on the stage
Inspire your audience to take action
Why Me?
I understand the importance of:
My audience not just being spectators but being part of my presentations
Having a number of delivery devices at my disposal
Using the whole stage both verbally and physically
Being really clear with my message and being able to deliver it
Having world-class training that has helped me to help you
I am passionate about presenting and I want to pass my enthusiasm onto you
Why Now?
Now, more than ever audiences want to experience:
A dynamic delivery
A clear message
A personal story
A memorable event
A presentation where all their senses are engaged
Everything in this programme I have experienced and still am experiencing every day. As well as working with small groups, I also offer one on one presentation training.
Let's connect!
I am looking forward to meeting you.

Sales trainer and coach